
St. 爱德华的 University provides sustainability-related 研究 opportunities both on campus 和 abroad, 其中许多是学生和教师之间的合作. 的 university offers several sustainability-related degree programs 和 courses for both undergraduate or graduate students.



Learn ecology in the context of climate change while traveling to different ecosystems for field 研究.


Build knowledge of both chemistry 和 environmental 科学 和 learn the impact that chemical substances have on the earth’s ecosystems.


Delve into cultural 和 creative dimensions of ecology 和 environmental justice through methods 和 modes of analysis traditionally associated with the arts 和 humanities.


通过跨学科的方法, develop a broad underst和ing of global environmental challenges to create solutions to these complex problems.




研究 plays an important role in helping our students reach their full academic potential. Our students have opportunities to conduct high-level 研究 alongside faculty mentors in a variety of areas related to ecology, 环境, 和可持续性.


  • 环境生物学与气候变化专业 山姆·马修,23岁 investigated savanna responses to climate change 和 multiple disturbances. 2023年1月,她和她的研究顾问,Dr. 金奥基夫, to Kruger National Park in South Africa to help collect data on a long-term experiment funded by the National Science Foundation. Her data will help 研究ers predict savanna functioning in an era of extreme environmental change.

  • After studying urban sustainable design abroad for a semester in Copenhagen, Denmark, 尼克·奥登,23岁 回到圣. 爱德华的 和 applied those new skills to a senior 环境科学与政策 研究 project studying walkability in South Austin. He assessed streets for walkability features 和 then created a map that City planners can use to identify areas that need improvement 和 that residents can use to more comfortably navigate the city on foot. 

  • 环境科学与政策专业 尼拉·皮特,23岁 spent 10 weeks in Costa Rica studying forests fragmented by agricultural expansion 和 calculating their ability to sequester carbon. 她的研究是由Dr. Peter Beck's NSF International 研究 Experiences for Students grant.

  • 生物学专业 Isabel Sanfeliz, 22岁 与博士合作. 金·奥基夫博士. Darren Proppe, 和 a local engineer to develop a wireless environmental monitoring system. This system can be used to assess microclimate changes around campus, 野生盆地, 以及奥斯汀地区的其他现场.

  • 环境生物学和气候变化专业 安妮·戴尔24岁 阿莱西亚·贝克尔,25岁以及环境科学与政策专业的学生 Margaux Orgoveza, 23岁 研究了干旱对香木牧场草地的影响. Dale 和 Becker investigated the impacts of drought on photosynthetic traits in native 和 invasive grasses, while Orgoveza conducted a study to determine how restoration practices affect the resiliency of these systems for important ecological services such as pollination. 这项工作是博士实验室正在进行的努力的一部分. 艾米Concilio和Dr. Kim 奥基夫, who are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) i4 研究 Opportunity Award.



St实习. 爱德华的 give our students a glimpse into their future careers through valuable h和s-on training. 的se unique opportunities may also lead to networking 和 developing key relationships with 业务 leaders in their field of choice. Our students have interned at such companies as USDA, the Nature Conservancy, NEON 和 many more.

阅读更多 关于学生实习经历. 


的 野生盆地创意研究中心 一个创新的研究站内是美丽的吗, 占地227英亩的自然保护区,位于德克萨斯山区. 由St. 爱德华大学和特拉维斯县, 野生盆地 serves as a living laboratory for experiential learning, 鼓励所有学科的研究和创造性项目, 以及跨学科和跨课程的项目. Students from all majors 和 from a range of higher 教育 institutions utilize the Creative 研究 Center 和 the Preserve to conduct studies in or learn about art, 科学, 政策与地方政府, 教育, 业务, 以及其他学科. Recent 研究 projects include documenting spatial 和 temporal patterns of wildlife distribution, 对保护区的声景进行量化.


教师不仅在课堂上发挥着重要作用, but they also inspire students with their own sustainability 研究 和 endeavors. 我们的专业教师教授广泛的课程, 来自奥斯汀的环境争议, 到尼日利亚生态学, 保护生物多样性.



环境科学副教授 & 政策

Dr. Concilio is an environmental scientist with expertise in conservation 和 l和 management in the context of climate change 和 urbanization. She teaches courses in Natural Resource Conservation 和 管理, 气候变化, 德州生态, 及环境化学, coordinates the Environmental 管理 Certificate program within the 环境科学 & 政策(ENSP)专业, 和 serves as the board president for the Texas Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration.



Dr. 西 诗人兼创意写作副教授. 她的教学专业包括生态诗学, 诗歌, 混合类型, 创造力研究, 以及视觉艺术和文学艺术的交集. 她辅修环境人文学科.



Dr. 奥基夫 is a plant ecologist 和 assistant professor of biological 科学s. She serves as the program director for the 环境生物学与气候变化 program 和 teaches courses in ecology, 全球变化生物学, 地理信息系统, 植物生态学. She also mentors student field 研究 around Austin, the Texas Hill Country, 和 South Africa.



Dr. Quinn is a forest ecologist who studies terrestrial ecosystems from a broad range of perspectives including primary production, 食草和觅食理论. 目前,他正在圣. 爱德华的.



Dr. Dugelby is the Executive Director of the 野生盆地创意研究中心. She also has a faculty associate position 和 teaches occasionally on campus. 她的专业知识, 研究, 教学兴趣集中在自然保护科学领域, 人类生态学, 以及保护区管理.